Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Tribute to All Drinks Lychee: ENJOY!

A peeled lyche
Lychee’s, which are  native to southern China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, are one of my absolute favorite fruits. Great for snacking they are packed with vitamin C and their delicate sweet flavor makes them a stellar addition to any dessert. However, there is one way in particular that I enjoy lychee’s best and that is in a drink!
You can find them at Asian markets and food specialty stores near almost every major city (the canned ones in syrup are best for happy hour usage) and they are relatively inexpensive. Though I am not a big fan of vodka I find that this is the best liquor to use when making these drinks as it tends to take on the flavor of this tropical fruit easier than other liquor. Below are a few of my favorite recipes that you can use this weekend. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


Lychee Drinks with Vodka:

Lychee Drinks with Rum:

Lychee Drinks with Tequila:
2. (A shot because let’s face it; if you love tequila you probably love to take shots!) 

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