You know how sometimes you can get yourself so excited about something just because you have never heard of it? If someone offered you some exotic traditional food made of ox testacies and eye balls you would eat it just to say that you had? My trip down the French coast in search of a rappie pie was one of those times. It was rare, I had never heard of it, and so I had to go find one, eat it, and tell everyone about that time I had that thing they had never heard of.
On our last day in Canada we decided to just go for it! Take the additional three hour drive down the French coast

and get one of these rappie pies I had read so much about. We found a small market, which was a beautiful drive to get to and ordered our rappie pies; clam and chicken. I was extremely excited to end my trip with a bang and this pot pie looking rarity was going to be my ticket, until, I dove into this delicacy and took a bite.
I remember hearing about gruel for the first time from Oliver Twist. With my first bite of rappie pie I knew I had found my 21st century equivalent. It was grey, soupy, heavy, flavorless and felt like you were chewing on the left over curds from the side of a pot when you over cook your pasta.

In all the trip was amazing and the market was adorable. I recommend driving just about anywhere on Nova Scotia’s beautiful coast, but if you see rappie pie keep driving. I assure you without a doubt you will most likely not be wanting, “some more.”
Until next time,
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